Thank you.
It was an honor to be considered by the People of Scott County.
"Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, one another, this country and this world."
Sharon Salzberg
Protect your freedom and right to vote.
The right to vote is the most basic, fundamental right of an American. This right is under threat under the current leadership by their actions to not protect the voters and elections.
Good stewardship in the Auditor's Office.
Since 2021, Scott County has had several controversial elections due to incompetent leadership. Trimble will bring best practices and improve staff training to protect all election related materials and equipment.
Restore fiscal responsibility.
Trimble will work with all Scott County Departments to make the best decisions for the taxpayers. This is currently not happening and it is costing money and credibility.
The right to vote should be sacred and accessible - Iowa Republicans feel otherwise!
Let's make Iowa the great state it used to be.
Vote Matt Trimble for Scott County Auditor.